Malibu Maine is an imaginary town with an online gift shop, run by its founder and small business owner, Tonya Shevenell. Malibu Maine is home to children's books, The Maine Birthday Book, Hop Onward Rabbit Rabbit: A New England Cottontail's Journey, and The Moon Over Malibu Maine.

You can sign up to receive our newsletters which go out once or twice per month and include good news. 

All orders you place through this website store are personally fulfilled by Tonya, Matt or Ray, so please feel free to contact us or say hello at tonya@malibumaine.com or matthew@malibumaine.com. Our mailing address is Malibu Maine PO Box 1014 Portland, ME 04104.

Thank you for visiting Malibu Maine!

Since we are an imaginary town, we "borrow" Portland's post office to do our shipping! 

Tonya holds the brand new book, The Moon Over Malibu Maine.